All In Your Head

Ivy Elebesunu
2 min readJun 5, 2024


Ever felt like you’re locked in a silent duel with your imaginary arch-nemesis? Yeah, me neither. (Except totally, completely yes.). You just feel they are watching your every move and are waiting to ‘takeover’? Well, I have and that will be the tea of today. Imposter syndrome or unhealthy competition, whatever you want to call it, it is a burden and quite frankly, I don’t like the feeling.

I think we all go through phases where everyone suddenly feels like competition. We lose sight of what’s truly important, or we get discouraged and start questioning if what we do matters. I’ve been there, and it sucks. It truly does. You know what sucks more? Not getting credit for your work. I’ll break that down in a bit. But first, take a deep breath and know that all will be well. You matter. You matter a whole lot, and you make a difference.

Now back to the credit thing. Have you ever wondered why people want to be ‘self-made’? I don’t even think that’s possible. Structures, templates, and people have been made available to aid your growth, and the ‘self-made’ mentality is rather toxic and vain. The “I” factor is far from growth.

What has kept me pushing and growing is accepting that I can’t know it all, nor can I be the most gifted. But God has given me people and resources to make my lapses less obvious. People aren’t made to function alone. You struggle more when you try to do it all by yourself. You were made to work in teams, clusters, and communities. But you need a collaborative mindset to make it work.

You might not be delusional about imposters copying your every move, but if people imitate you, then you must be doing something right, right? So, keep building, make connections, and foster relationships. What should matter most is that you are making progress in every sphere of your life. People can keep copying, but no one can be like the original. You are YOU, and no one can be like you.

It’s a new month and this month will be rather bubbly and full of life. Grab every opportunity to invest in you and make a difference in any way you can.



Ivy Elebesunu

Data & Financial Analyst | Tech Content Writer | Connecting and Simplifying tech