Building Influence in the Tech Space
Being excellent is one thing, but being good and influential is quite another. Your prospects of landing a job and developing a devoted following depend on your ability to influence others. Influence in any field — not just technology — is crucial, especially if you want to appear competent. We’ll examine strategies for gaining influence in the tech industry in this article.
Hi, Techie. If you’re new here, this is Techies & Techies where we demystify and simplify tech. We’ll be digging and sowing seeds on how to build influence in the tech space. Does having influence make you an influencer though? Can you reflect on your actions as a result of peer pressure? Let’s dive right in.
Have you ever observed that those with loyal followings — especially those who aren’t new to Twitter — tend to always be given opportunities? People who always have a sense of community are the ones who do well in this environment, and if you don’t have one, joining sound communities actively will help you fit in. How come, though? And why doesn’t anyone appear to mention this advice, right?
A community is a place for growth, and starting one demonstrates experience and expertise in the subject matter. Community leaders frequently begin by teaching others, sharing opportunities, and documenting their personal development. They consistently do this in an effort to connect with people and establish relationships. Being outspoken about their activities in public settings helps them stand out to the public as being distinct from job seekers. In essence, it permanently singles them out.
Now pause for a second. Communities are formed for more than just self-interest. In actuality, the majority of communities exist because someone identified a knowledge gap, a weak point, or another issue that ignited a desire to change things. In addition to benefiting society, this also aids the individual’s own development. Simply put, we develop through uplifting others.
This is for you if you don’t want to create or identify with a community. Another strategy to gain influence is to talk openly about your personal growth or educational experience. You’ve probably heard me tell you to shout about your growth and achievements since no one will market you as effectively as you. Share your experiences, obstacles, and advice that has proven useful. This demonstrates your path to organic growth and aids in audience development.
Setting modest objectives is a fantastic first step. Simple objectives include teaching others on Twitter or talking about a topic related to your niche. Being able to impart information on others through teaching is a terrific approach to gain influence. In some ways, influencers are teachers. Ever notice how you tend to imitate most people because of what you pick up from them? Check out your “following” and see for yourself if you don’t trust me. By uplifting others, you develop.
Indirect mentoring is extremely undervalued when it comes to increasing influence. Indirect mentoring is essentially networking and interacting with influential people in your field. It can involve reading what they said, tweeting about how important they have been to your growth, leaving comments on their page, and other things. I imagine you’re asking how this benefits you. It benefits you because they will ultimately start to cognitively register you as someone who constantly shows up. You never know, you might wind up knowing them well. Additionally, it demonstrates that you are aware of those who are successful in your field and that you are aware of “the way.”
Influence is great and we all have a form of it. It’s a bit risky to say this but influence will get you where your skills will not but your skills will keep you there.
Everyone has potential and it’s on you if you don’t make it in this space because resources are in abundance. Don’t fail yourself.
I can’t wait to see you at the top, Techie.