She’s In Tech
Happy International Women’s Day! Of course, we had to write an entire post celebrating female techies across the globe. This read is specially dedicated to our female techies. Buckle up and let’s spill the tea.
Hi, Techie! Women are distinctive and special. Not only that, but women are amazing. They have innumerable times demonstrated that it is true, not just in words. It’s incredibly uplifting to see women shatter stereotypes and excel in the tech industry. Rising and outspoken females are special beings. We enjoy seeing it.
They say a voyage of a thousand miles begins with a single step, but for a woman navigating the seas, that one stride is a vast, enormous step. In a world where men predominate, it can be a little daunting, but it’s all worth it when you take the tough pill, step forward, and command the entire room. Keeping in mind as well that we are in our positions to lift others. The idea that women don’t support other women ought to be untrue. We must realize that in order to achieve equal representation, women must take on the same responsibilities as men have done for themselves.
Women should be honored because, in spite of everything, we persevere. We decide to ignore the ruckus and erect despite it. Words may attempt to harm us, and some have succeeded, but despite the tears, bruises, and anguish they cause, we rise above to change the world. Wherever we put a “she,” we double our resources.
Though some career pathways have been deemed to be “female-friendly,” women nevertheless succeed in fields where the majority of positions are held by men. We are not constrained by a path’s backstory because we are evaluated on our ability rather than our gender. The world has yet to see how much growth a woman can bring to the table with so much potential still untapped.
Take a bold step and leap. You deserve everything you have because you’ve worked for it not because you have a pretty face. Don’t belittle your achievements. You are a pacesetter and a trendsetter. You command influence because you’ve built your name. You deserve to be seated at the top and you will get there once you can conceive it. Your being female is your advantage.
Many have attempted to comprehend why women are valued in this area, and I’ll let you in on a little secret: in this space, a woman is worth more than rubies. In this field, where women make up around 28% of the workforce, being a woman is seen as courageous and daring since it takes courage to demand change in a society where men predominate. To demand the change they have been yearning for, women take courageous action.
You’ve already come a long way, so if you’re just getting started, look for a lady you want to be and research the paths she has taken. Having a female mentor is crucial because it gives you a model you can readily use while keeping in mind that your journey is still completely unique to you. Mentoring can take place remotely, so if you have trouble getting mentorship, I suggest joining networks that were started by women.
Spend a moment thanking all the women who have supported you on your trip. A special thank you to my mother for playing such a significant role in my journey. Also, Fisayo and Ella, my excellent Data Buddies partners, deserve my sincere gratitude. Thank you very much for being here, ladies. I want to thank my sister Naomi for always giving me encouragement when I’m about to give up. I appreciate you being an equalizer, my men. I appreciate all of your support for me and other women. And to every female I know, you are amazing.
To every female, techie or not, thank you for always showing up and not giving up just yet. This is your sign to keep pushing. The world still needs you. We need you. Happy International Women’s Day.