Survive & Thrive
It’s been 12 freaking months of spilling tea with YOU. Inserts a clap hand for her meme. Hi Techies, I’ve loved every bit I’ve shared with you. It’s been 2 years of writing and sharing my nuggets on this side of the world. I’m glad some of you (or maybe most of you) have found my reads helpful and I plan on writing even more in the coming year.
2024 was such an amazing year. Career-wise, I’ve scaled up. Financially, we’re getting that bag. Community-wise, we’re making impact. Academically, we aren’t lost. Spiritually, we are at peace. It was indeed a year. And I’m honored to have shared some glimpses with you.
I want to start the new year now before it dawns on us. By doing so, implementing becomes a lot easier. This is why I highly recommend journaling. Write down your goals, and why they matter to you. It gives you a strong sense of your why, your core.
It starts from now. Visualize, plan, and implement when it dawns on you. If you want to have a thriving career in the new year, what are you sowing now? Get your action plan book, a journal for every plan and step you will be taking in the new year. Think of it as a tool to track your progress for accountability.
New year, new you? Well, call it anything fancy but it will get draining. Practice being the new you now and put structures in place to help make it easy to pick up. Habits stick when they are easy.
In short, it’s a wrap for 2024. Talk soon, besties!